“Dark October” is a Nigerian film that was released on Netflix on February 3, 2023. The movie revolves around the tragic incident known as the Aluu Four lynching, which took place at the University of Port Harcourt. The film portrays the events leading up to the lynching of four young students who were falsely accused of theft in the Aluu area of Port Harcourt, Nigeria. The story delves into their wrongful accusation, the mob violence they faced, and the aftermath of the tragic event.
Synopsis: “Dark October” is a gripping narrative based on real-life events. The film follows the journey of four university students who ventured into a particular area to confront a debtor who owed money to one of them. However, the situation takes a dark turn when the debtor raises a false alarm, alleging that the students were attempting to rob him. This accusation leads to a mob forming and publicly branding the students as thieves, ultimately resulting in their brutal lynching. The horrifying mob attack sparks a nationwide crisis, shedding light on the pressing issue of extrajudicial killings.
Key Cast Members:
- Chuks Joseph
- Munachi Okpara
- Oriaku Kelechukwu James
- Kem-Ajieh Ikechukwu
- Adike Daniel
- CO2 Official
- Oluchi Anaghara-Awa
Production and Release: “Dark October” is distributed by Filmone Productions and directed by Toka McBaror. The film made its debut on Netflix on February 3, 2023. The executive producer, Linda Ikeji, expressed her hope that the movie would initiate conversations about the dangers of extrajudicial killings and emphasize the significance of upholding justice for all.
Controversy: The parents of the students who fell victim to the Aluu Four lynching expressed their disapproval of the movie. They criticized Netflix and Linda Ikeji for producing the film without seeking approval from them, as they felt that their sons’ tragic story had been exploited for entertainment purposes. They urged the suspension of the movie, highlighting the lack of consent from the victims’ families before making a film about their sons’ ordeal.
Source Pictures: The Guardian
Source Video: Top moviez