If you have surfed the internet for very long, you have probably run into what is referred to as a traffic exchange. These programs can be designed in many ways, with many different functions. In this article we are going to cover what they are, where to find them, and how to use them to actually receive quality traffic.
A traffic exchange is, simply put, an exchange of traffic. The basic idea is to view other member’s websites or ads, and in exchange, different members will view yours. There are 2 basic types of traffic exchanges available today:
1. The manual surf exchange. In this type of exchange, you manually click through the other member’s websites or ads. Usually there is an anti-cheat method of some variety being used to insure that the system is not being cheated. I can assure you that any exchange that does not have an anti-cheat system is being cheated by several people.
2. The auto-surf exchange. This system is easier to use, but far less effective. In essence, it runs automatically with no effort on your part, changing websites or ads every so many seconds. Obviously, if you don’t even need to look at it to have it work, chances are, and people aren’t viewing your ads either.
Most, if not all exchanges of both types will offer new members free credits or visitors just for signing up. This amount can vary between 50 free visitors all the way up to 10,000 free visitors or more. However, in regards to the exchanges offering an extremely high signup bonus, if everyone is given 10,000 free credits upon signing up…who is left to surf the exchange?
In addition to sign up bonuses, other things to pay attention to when signing up for an exchange are surfing ratios, timer rate, referral bonuses, and extra features.
All exchanges have surfing ratios. These can vary from 1:1 to 5:1 and up. What this means is that for every X amount of times you view someone else’s site, your site will be viewed in return Y amount of times. So if there is a 3:1 surf ratio, for every 3 sites you view, your site will be shown to someone else one time.
All exchanges also have varied timer rates. This is the amount of time that a website is shown to you before you can move to the next site. Average timer rates are about 30-15 seconds per site. On auto-surf exchanges, this is the amount of time before it automatically switches to the next ad. On manual exchanges, this is how long you must wait before you see the next site or else you will not receive credit for viewing the site.
Most exchanges also offer………