Building on the success of the original animated hit, Moana 2 delivers a sequel that expands on the story while maintaining its charm. This time, Moana (voiced by Auli’i Cravalho) is joined by a sweet younger sister, Simea (Khaleesi Lambert-Tsuda), adding a heartfelt layer to the narrative. The bond between the sisters raises the stakes, giving Moana an even deeper purpose as she fights to protect her family.
The film boasts impressive animation and compelling character moments, but it falls short of perfection due to certain storytelling elements—particularly the villain and his underdeveloped motivations—which slightly hinder its potential to achieve true greatness.
Moana 2 began its development as a TV series before being adapted into a feature film. While the transition works, the story might have thrived more in its original format, providing better opportunities for supporting characters to grow and build stronger connections with both Moana and Maui (voiced by Dwayne Johnson), who remains trapped inside a giant killer clam until midway through the movie.
The plot follows Moana’s quest to locate the island of Montufetu and break the curse of the god Nalo, which has divided the humans across distant islands. Despite some structural challenges, Moana 2 shines in its standout moments, delivering an engaging continuation of the beloved story.
22th december 2024